HKCC Timetable Auto-Generator

Generate timetable and export to Google Calendar with ease.
Semester: Year 2018-19 Sem 2 (201901-201908)


If it takes too long to load, refersh.

Fatal error

Fatal error. Please help us to fix it by reporting it to [email protected] or Google Form. Thanks!

If you are using IE browser, try Chrome / Firefox and uninstall IE.

Error log

{{ fatalError.log }}

Schedule pasted (private information masked)

{{ pastedData | mask }}

Welcome to HKCC TAG

This TAG is for students of Hong Kong Community College only.

  1. Go to my.HKCC -> My Personal Timetable

  2. Press Ctrl-A (on Mac: ⌘ + A) to select whole page, then Ctrl-C (on Mac: ⌘ + C) to copy.

  3. Press Ctrl-V (on Mac: ⌘ + V) and paste your schedule into the box below.
Contact us: [email protected] or Google Form

Pasted data

Subject CodeSubject TitleGpActDayStart TimeEnd TimeCampusVenueStart WeekEnd WeekFor Every

Rename courses

Rename the courses for your convenience.

Subject CodeSubject TitleGpColor

Advanced options

Fine tune your personal timetable.

Week numbers, school events, and holidays


Colors for...

* Colors only applicable to generated images

School events

Start DateEnd DateTitle
{{e.start.format('ll')}}{{e.end.clone().subtract(1,'day').isSame(e.start) ? 'N/A' : e.end.clone().subtract(1,'day').format('ll')}}{{e.title}}


Start DateEnd DateTitle
{{e.start.format('ll')}}{{e.end.clone().subtract(1,'day').isSame(e.start) ? 'N/A' : e.end.clone().subtract(1,'day').format('ll')}}{{e.title}}

Edit template strings

* Description will not show on the generated image, only appears in the ics calendar file.


{{ parseTemplateString(lessons[0], template.title) }}


{{ parseTemplateString(lessons[0], template.description) }}


{{ parseTemplateString(lessons[0], template.venue) }}
The following variables can be used: {subjectCode}, {subjectTitle}, {group}, {activity}, {activityShort}, {day}, {startTime}, {endTime}, {campus}, {campusShort}, {venue}, {startWeek}, {endWeek}, {forEvery}



Generating images... {{ imageRenderingProcess }} image #{{ imageRenderingNumber+1 }}.
Keep this webpage focused. Do not move away. (自家廣告)

© applelam, Mysam, Tom Chan, and many others 2017-2018 | Only latest versions of Firefox and Chrome are tested and supported.

Site Info and Disclaimer: This website do not save or store any of the students' data. Users must login to HKCC system before using our services.
We are not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site. While the information contained within the site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date.